Alison Ver Halen

Alison Ver Halen

Alison Ver Halen has always loved writing and wanted to be a novelist when she grew up, but her parents convinced her there was no money in that and urged her to choose a more “practical” career.

She ended up majoring in English and Psychology, little knowing she was getting the perfect degree for content marketing.

She didn’t even know what content marketing was.

She thought she wanted to work in publishing, figuring if she couldn’t make a living writing books, maybe she could make a living publishing them.

Unfortunately, she graduated in 2009, right after the job market crashed.

There were no jobs to be had in publishing … or really anywhere else.

She was a receptionist and she worked in customer service, but they were jobs, not careers.

When she found herself between jobs, her roommate’s dad, who was an attorney, offered to give her things to do around his office until she got back on her feet.

One of the things he needed was someone to write blog posts for her law firm.

He knew she had a strong writing background, so he offered her the gig, and she was more than happy to get paid to write.

After six months, he told me she had brought in $75,000 worth of business for his law firm, just from the blog posts she was writing for him.

After a while, she started writing for an associate of his, and then for some friends of her.

She did get another day job, but she kept writing on the side, and her client list kept growing until she knew she couldn’t do both any more, so she quit the day job to devote herself to writing full time, and she’s never looked back.

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175. Content marketing strategy With Alison Ver Halen

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Alison Ver Halen344Updated: 01.07.2022
175. Content marketing strategy With Alison Ver Halen
Most online projects fail because of the wrong strategy. How to create yours? Alison Ver Halen shares her valuable insights. A content marketing strategy is the most important part of the plan. Without one, startups and small businesses will not be able to attract customers or achieve their goals. A content marketing strategy’s main focus is on planning sticky landing pages that will keep your visitors engaged throughout their session and generate conversion. This helps to build awareness for your brand as well as having a long-term reach in terms of generating leads for your business. Let's face it - when it comes down to writing content, everyone struggles with writer’s block at some point. Content marketing strategy covers a lot of different aspects of creating and publishing content. The importance of this strategy is that it plays an enormous role in the success of brands. In 2022, companies are going to need to have a more flexible approach when it comes to content marketing strategies. They will be able to take advantage on AI-generated content, digital advertising and data analytics in order to have the best overall approach for their company's digital image. Content marketing strategy is a shift in the way that companies approach their marketing. The goal of this strategy is to create high-quality content that will influence the customers and increase their sales. The tools for content marketing have been evolving significantly over the last few years. AI has become a huge part of these tools and there are many uses for it within this strategy. There are three broad categories where AI can be utilized in content creation - Content creation: AI writing assistants use these tools to generate content ideas at scale, which helps make creative work more efficient - Strategy: The data from what's trending online also helps with making decisions on what type of content is needed and how it should be implemented - Measurement: These include metrics such as time spent on page, bounce rate, social media engagement. Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more. Wanna get more traffic? Submit your request on my website - Here is our sponsor – Ahrefs which provides SEO tools and resources to grow your traffic. [yt-video vid="_g3gGr7Q1FI" title="Content marketing strategy With Alison Ver Halen" img="" desc=" Most online projects fail because of the wrong strategy. How to create yours? Alison Ver Halen shares her valuable insights. A content marketing strategy is the most important part of the plan. Without one, startups and small businesses will not be able to attract customers or achieve their goals. A content marketing strategy’s main focus is on planning sticky landing pages that will keep your visitors engaged throughout their session and generate conversion. This helps to build awareness for your brand as well as having a long-term reach in terms of generating leads for your business. Let's face it - when it comes down to writing content, everyone struggles with writer’s block at some point. Content marketing strategy covers a lot of different aspects of creating and publishing content. The importance of this strategy is that it plays an enormous role in the success of brands. In 2022, companies are going to need to have a more flexible approach when it comes to content marketing strategies. They will be able to take advantage on AI-generated content, digital advertising and data analytics in order to have the best overall approach for their company's digital image. Content marketing strategy is a shift in the way that companies approach their marketing. The goal of this strategy is to create high-quality content that will influence the customers and increase their sales. The tools for content marketing have been evolving significantly over the last few years. AI has become a huge part of these tools and there are many uses for it within this strategy. There are three broad categories where AI can be utilized in content creation - Content creation: AI writing assistants use these tools to generate content ideas at scale, which helps make creative work more efficient - Strategy: The data from what's trending online also helps with making decisions on what type of content is needed and how it should be implemented - Measurement: These include metrics such as time spent on page, bounce rate, social media engagement. Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more. Wanna get more traffic? Submit your request on my website - Here is our sponsor - which provides SEO tools and resources to grow your traffic. " upload="2022-05-31" duration="PT00H41M51S" shadow="1" lazy="1"] Learn more about Alison Ver Halen on the following resources: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

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