Lily Ray

Lily Ray

Lily Ray is nominated best female search marketer of the year in 2017 by Search Engine Land.

She is an NYC-based creative and passionate SEO (Search Engine Optimization) professional originally from the Bay Area.

She is also a director of SEO at Path Interactive.

Learn more about Lily Ray on the following resources:

Website Analysis | Podcast #10

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Lily Ray236Updated: 01.10.2021
Website Analysis | Podcast #10
How to provide SEO and get results fast in an overwhelming digital world. There are 1,8 billion websites that wanna get traffic. You don’t need to use generic methods. Each case is different. Lily Ray shares her insights on how to promote websites on our live stream. She is nominated best female search marketer of the year in 2017 by Search Engine Land. Lily is a director of SEO at Path Interactive.

Enhancing E-E-A-T: Lily Ray's Checklist for Boosting the Score

Lily Ray

E-E-A-T stands for "expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness," it comes from Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines.

Google uses E-E-A-T as the main criterion for evaluating page quality during its experiments with human search quality raters.

The questions listed in this post should still be prioritized in an SEO strategy because they are great for user experience and building trust with the brand.

Website Analysis

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Lily Ray

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