Justin Dunham

Justin Dunham

Justin Dunham is frustrated by how hard SEO and content performance is for marketers.

He takes all that stuff – algorithms, analytics, spreadsheets, process – off your plate so you can focus on storytelling, branding, friendship, absolutely anything else.

He often shares the following:

• Regular updates on SEO, content analytics, and content performance

• Access to new guides and other resources as soon as we publish them

• Email access to our team for help with those nagging questions

Learn more about Justin Dunham on the following resources:

148. Adding CTAs And Internal Links With Justin Dunham
Internal links have been around since 1996. It is the staple of SEO. Relatively fewer users typically click on external links, however adding more internal links can improve your website's search engine rank. Internal links can also be used when designing websites in order to visually prop up more effective content architecture. With an improperly structured website, external linking pages points might actually collapse lower on the SERP than expected. A higher conversion rate for any given page could have been attained if instead of pointing the users back towards a few well-chosen internal links that provide short-term value before directing them to something else. Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more. [yt-video vid="ibez_naXTYs" title="Adding CTAs And Internal Links With Justin Dunham" img="https://unmiss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Adding-CTAs-And-Internal-Links.png" desc="Internal links have been around since 1996. It is the staple of SEO. Relatively fewer users typically click on external links, however adding more internal links can improve your website's search engine rank. Internal links can also be used when designing websites in order to visually prop up more effective content architecture. With an improperly structured website, external linking pages points might actually collapse lower on the SERP than expected. A higher conversion rate for any given page could have been attained if instead of pointing the users back towards a few well-chosen internal links that provide short-term value before directing them to something else. Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more." upload="2022-04-29" duration="PT00H42M04S" shadow="1" lazy="1"] Learn more about Justin Dunham on the following resources: Website: https://www.ercule.co/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinwdunham/

148. Adding CTAs And Internal Links With Justin Dunham

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Justin Dunham
Updated: May 29, 2022