Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents have the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information to third parties.

Our Data Practices at Unmiss We take privacy seriously at Unmiss. We provide SEO tools and do not sell or share any personal information to third party companies or services. Any data collected is used solely for the purposes of providing and improving our SEO tools.

How to Exercise Your Rights If you are a California resident, you can submit a request to us to confirm that we do not sell your personal information. To make this request:

  1. Visit Contact
  2. Provide your name and email address
  3. Write “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” as the “Message”

We will respond to verify that your personal information is not being sold.

No Verification Process Required Since Unmiss does not sell data, we have no need to verify consumer identities beyond confirming the request was submitted.

Contact Us If you have any other questions about our privacy practices, please contact us at