Alex Macura

Alex Macura

Alex Macura – YDA founder, world traveler, and unquenchable enthusiast of all things digital marketing – is a bit of a paradox.

Boyishly curious about new ways of presenting a brand or telling a story through online platforms, he is dead serious when solving real-world business challenges and growth problems.

“For me, it’s more than just click-click-boom,” says Alex.

“I’m more interested in increasing company longevity, and to do that requires a whole range of skill sets and in-the-trenches business experience.”

Learn more about Alex Macura on the following resources:

258. Solving Business Challenges in Digital Marketing with Alex Macura

258. Solving Business Challenges in Digital Marketing with Alex Macura

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Alex Macura
Updated: Aug 22, 2022