286. How to build an income-generating system for financial independence

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Ahsan Karim, Scott Brenner 341 Updated: 26.09.2022
286. How to build an income-generating system for financial independence
Duration: 50:16
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
286. How to build an income-generating system for financial independence

Ahsan and Scott have decades of experience in the corporate world and running their own businesses.

They’ve helped companies establish and grow their online presence and revenue.

They’re sharing their knowledge with a coaching Bootcamp to help entrepreneurs and business owners learn how to convert their knowledge and ideas into a profitable online business.

What are Ahsan and Scott doing?

  • Offering a 12-week coaching bootcamp


  • Want to give back
  • Want to share our decades of experience with others
  • Want to help others avoid stumbling blocks and generate financial freedom

What outcomes can coaching students expect?

  • Financial independence and time freedom
  • Potential of 6-7 figure revenue streams
  • Marketable skills related to digital marketing, SEO, website building, identifying target audiences, etc.

How do coaching students achieve these outcomes?

  • Learn how to build an income-generating system
  • Learn how to start an online business from scratch
  • Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing, and other skills

What’s included in the coaching bootcamp?

Students learn how to…

  • Refine their idea, find their target audience, and identify their unique selling proposition
  • Define their MVP (“bare minimum product/service someone will pay for – no bells / whistles”)
  • Plant their flag online (landing page / email list, MVP website)
  • Start digital marketing w/ blogs, videos, social media, emails
  • Find partnerships and other promotion opportunities
  • Refine website and digital marketing
  • Measure, track, adjust, repeat
  • Watch their bank balance grow!

Why does someone need a business coach?

  • To jumpstart their knowledge by learning from others who’ve already walked the path
  • To learn about and avoid the common mistakes
  • To discuss ideas with an expert who can provide honest and valuable feedback
  • To have someone who holds them accountable
  • To have some to inspire and motivate them

What are the benefits of group coaching?

  • A cohort-based program helps everyone learn from others
  • The group generates more ideas than a one-on-one coaching program
  • The group helps hold each other accountable
  • The group provides feedback to each other
  • The group may lead to introductions and/or initial clients and customers for each other

How can people learn more about the 12-week coaching bootcamp?

  • Go to https://OnlineBizFromScratch.com/unmiss
  • Unmiss podcast listeners who use the promo code “unmiss” will get a 25% discount on the coaching bootcamp.

Learn more about Ahsan Karim and Scott Brenner on the following resources:
Website: https://lightvisiongroup.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/light-vision-group/