Howard Wolpoff

Howard Wolpoff

As a seasoned professional in the field of business coaching and marketing, small business owners turn to you to rebuild their confidence and competence, enabling them to exceed their own expectations. Many of these entrepreneurs find themselves in a state of chaos, lacking guidance and feeling overwhelmed. Your expertise lies in redirecting their energies, creating accountability, and accelerating their performance, ultimately helping them fall in love with their businesses again.

You have personally experienced similar challenges in your career journey, from leaving a secure position at a top radio station to join a fledgling digital marketing agency and subsequently launching your own business. Through these experiences, you have learned valuable lessons and discovered effective strategies for growth.

Your clients have witnessed the positive impact of your strategic thinking and planning on their businesses. One client, Martin L. from a security company, attests to the growth his business has experienced under your guidance. Another client, Mark K. from a home improvement company, credits your implemented strategies with uncovering over $100,000 of hidden revenue annually.

In addition to your work with small businesses, you also understand the unique challenges faced by synagogues in terms of communication and marketing. Covid-19 has further highlighted the need for synagogues to evolve their marketing strategies and find effective ways to engage congregants. By creating updated marketing strategies and implementing clear communication channels, you help synagogues increase participation in services, programs, and events.

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