55. How To Increase Brand Awareness with Clint Hankinson

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Clint Hankinson 206
55. How To Increase Brand Awareness with Clint Hankinson
Duration: 44:58
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
55. How To Increase Brand Awareness with Clint Hankinson

Clint Hankinson shares his valuable insights.

When you’re building or growing a business, you need to craft a solid, creative strategy that communicates your message to your ideal audience in a way that resonates – to craft a brand that makes people want to jump on board and experience what you’re promising.

That’s what Clint helps companies do.

  1. Discover what you’re truly selling and why you’re selling it.
  2. Carve out a niche of your ideal customers.
  3. Create a brand that is relatable and sticks.
  4. Develop a strategy that crafts and distributes great content to your audience.

He is creative – that loves helping people.

Like most, his career hasn’t been a straight line.

He has had the privilege of working for small businesses, mid-size businesses, nonprofits, higher education, and digital agencies.

He is building a following and a vast network here on LinkedIn – because the greater the network, the more resources at your disposal.

His decades of experience will fuel his work for you.

Learn more about Clint Hankinson on the following resources:

Website: www.emorysolutions.com