Unpacking Technical Content: First Principles with Branko Kral (#644)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Branko Kral Updated: 25.09.2023
Unpacking Technical Content: First Principles with Branko Kral (#644)
Duration: 1:00:30
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Believe you can because you can!
Unpacking Technical Content: First Principles with Branko Kral (#644)

Have you ever felt stuck creating technical content? I have. Last year, I had to write a technical guide about blockchain. A tough nut to crack. My first draft was, well, meh. Then, I stumbled upon the approach to the first principles of technical content. Voila! My rewritten guide became the top-performing article on the site, garnering a 75% increase in page views and a 40% boost in user engagement.

So, why not share the gold? 

The Magic of First Principles

We often assume that writing technical content requires a Ph.D. or at least some coding chops. That’s not necessarily the case. Instead, he’s all about breaking down the complex into digestible, understandable chunks. After all, studies show that 79% of readers scan rather than read word-for-word. So your content must be scan-friendly and make the complicated simple.

The Three Pillars of Technical Content

  1. Clarity: In a Nielsen Norman study, clear, concise content boosted usability by 124%. We can’t afford to ignore such numbers. Clarity is not just about language but also structure and layout.
  1. Relevance: Understand your audience’s pain points. Google Analytics can give you a wealth of information about what your users seek.
  1. Credibility: Data and research are your best friends. Studies indicate that 58% of consumers trust editorial content. Back your claims with facts, and you’re golden.

Bringing It All Together

So, you want to become a maestro of technical content? Well, you’re in the right place. We dive deeper into these pillars with Branko, unveiling practical tips and proven strategies.

Ultimately, technical content doesn’t have to be a maze of complexity. With the correct first principles, you can illuminate the path for your readers, guide them through effortlessly, and make a lasting impact. And who better to guide us through this than Branko Kral?

Happy listening!


  1. What are the first principles of technical content?

The first principles are foundational truths or assumptions you can use as a baseline for further reasoning. These often boil down to clarity, relevance, and credibility in technical content. These are the core elements that make or break the effectiveness of your content.

  1. Is a background in tech required to write good technical content?

– Not necessarily. While domain knowledge can be helpful, the key to great technical content often lies in your ability to simplify complex ideas. What’s crucial is your research skills and your ability to understand the audience’s needs.

  1. How do I make my technical content scan-friendly?

– Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. Also, consider adding a summary or a table of contents at the beginning. Studies show that 79% of users scan web pages, so making your content easy to skim can vastly improve its readability.

  1. How important is SEO in technical content?

– SEO is crucial in any type of content, including technical ones. If you’re writing about highly searched topics and providing value, optimizing for SEO will help your content reach its intended audience.

  1. Can you give an example of a successful technical content piece?

– Absolutely. Take Moz’s “Beginner’s Guide to SEO”, for example. It breaks down complicated SEO topics into digestible parts, uses relatable language, and backs claims with credible data.

  1. What tools should I use for creating technical content?

– Aside from a good word processor, consider using tools like Google Analytics for audience research, Grammarly for editing, and Canva for creating simple yet effective visuals.

  1. How do I measure the effectiveness of my technical content?

– Metrics like page views, time on page, and user engagement rates can be good indicators. Tools like Google Analytics can provide this information.

  1. How do I know my technical content is explicit enough?

– A good test is having someone with little background in the subject read it. You’ve likely nailed the clarity aspect if they can understand the key points without further explanation.

  1. Where can I find reliable data to back my content?

– Academic journals, industry reports, and reputable news sources are great places to find credible data. Always make sure to attribute your sources.

  1. Do you have any quick tips for someone new to technical content writing?

– Start with a structure, aim for simplicity, and revise multiple times. And don’t forget to inject some personality; technical doesn’t have to mean boring!

These FAQs help you dive deeper into the nuances of technical content writing!

Learn more about Branko Kral following resources:
Website: https://chosendata.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brankokral/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brankofosho