Leonard Apeltsin: What the rise of AI means for the near future (#501)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Leonard Apeltsin 156
Leonard Apeltsin: What the rise of AI means for the near future (#501)
Duration: 36:46
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
Leonard Apeltsin: What the rise of AI means for the near future (#501)

Imagine waking up one day to find that your entire city is being run by AI. From transportation to healthcare, education to entertainment, every aspect of your life is being managed by intelligent machines. Sounds like science fiction, right? But in reality, this future may be closer than we think.

To help us understand the implications of this future, let’s turn to Leonard Apeltsin, an AI researcher and futurist, who joins us in this episode to discuss the rise of AI and what it means for our near future.

Leonard believes that the most significant advancements in AI in the past decade are in the fields of natural language processing and computer vision. These advancements have led to a significant impact on our society, from the rise of virtual assistants to the development of autonomous vehicles. However, Leonard also acknowledges that AI could lead to job displacement in the future, and it’s essential to prepare for this eventuality.

Here are seven inspired questions we asked Leonard:

– What do you believe are the most significant advancements in AI in the past decade, and how have they impacted our society?

– Some experts predict that AI could lead to significant job displacement. What’s your take on this, and how do you think we can prepare for this eventuality?

– With AI becoming more ubiquitous in our daily lives, what are some of the ethical concerns that we need to consider?

– What’s your view on the debate around AI consciousness? Do you think machines can ever truly be self-aware?

– One of the biggest criticisms of AI is that it lacks empathy and emotional intelligence. Do you think this will always be the case, or is there potential for machines to develop these qualities?

– As AI becomes more prevalent, what role do you see it playing in shaping global politics and international relations?

– Finally, what do you believe is the most significant challenge that we need to overcome as we continue to develop AI, and how can we address it?

Leonard believes that transparency in AI decision-making processes and the development of ethical guidelines are crucial. He also believes that while machines may not have consciousness, they can still be programmed to exhibit empathy and emotional intelligence.

In conclusion, while the rise of AI is an exciting prospect, it also raises concerns that need to be addressed. By working towards an ethical and responsible approach to AI development, we can ensure that this technology is used to benefit humanity rather than replace it. Thank you for listening to UNmiss, and we’ll see you next time.

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Learn more about Leonard Apeltsin on the following resources:
Website: https://www.manning.com/books/data-science-bookcamp
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonard-apeltsin-baaa732/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/apeltsin