255. Bring Your Values And Passions To Social Media With Corey Perlman

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Corey Perlman 996
255. Bring Your Values And Passions To Social Media With Corey Perlman
Duration: 44:20
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
255. Bring Your Values And Passions To Social Media With Corey Perlman

Most content creators fail on social media.

They simply copy influencers.

It’s the wrong way.

Be yourself.

Use your strength.

Corey Perlman shares a lot of valuable insights with the following questions:

  1. How to be yourself on social media?
  2. How social media helps you to be yourself?
  3. Why shouldn’t you be fired for expressing yourself on social media?

Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more.

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Learn more about Corey Perlman on the following resources:
Website: http://www.coreyperlman.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coreyperlman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coreyperlman