136. Mobile SEO & The Future of Google Search With Cindy Krum

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Cindy Krum 178 Updated: 23.05.2022
136. Mobile SEO & The Future of Google Search With Cindy Krum
Duration: 44:56
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
136. Mobile SEO & The Future of Google Search With Cindy Krum

SEO is flourishing.

Google has been making huge changes to its search engine to keep up with the mobile revolution.

Cindy Krum is trying to predict the future of Google search.

This is where AI writing assistants come into play.

These tools can help generate content at scale and make sure that businesses are still ranking on mobile devices.

Mobile SEOs can use AI writing assistants as a tool in their arsenal because they can provide content that is relevant and engaging for their audience.

Furthermore, they can use these tools as a way of predicting what the future of Google search will be like in 2022 and create content accordingly.

Mobile SEO is an important part of any digital marketing strategy.

With the rise of mobile devices, it has become a necessity for companies to make sure that their website is optimized for mobile search.

The future of Google search is yet to be seen but one thing we do know is that Google’s algorithm will continue to evolve and change.

This means that companies need to stay on top of their game and keep up with the changes in order to remain relevant in today’s market.

As technology continues to progress, so does the importance of digital marketing.

In order for companies to stay relevant and competitive, they need a strong digital marketing strategy that includes mobile SEO and a strong online presence.

Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more.

Learn more about Cindy Krum on the following resources:
Website: https://mobilemoxie.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cindykrum/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/mobilemoxie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Suzzicks