How to Maximize Knowledge Retention: A Chat with Mickey Mellen (#646)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Mickey Mellen Updated: 26.09.2023
How to Maximize Knowledge Retention: A Chat with Mickey Mellen (#646)
Duration: 44:06
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
How to Maximize Knowledge Retention: A Chat with Mickey Mellen (#646)

Ever felt like you’re reading tons of books and listening to countless podcasts but not remembering much? I’ve been there. But last year, something clicked. I implemented a note-taking system and regular reviews; you wouldn’t believe the transformation! In just six months, my retention rate skyrocketed. I didn’t just remember; I applied what I’d learned and saw tangible results in my business.

Why Should You Care?

You read. You listen. But do you remember? Let’s fix that.

Enter Mickey Mellen

I brought in Mickey Mellen to share his thoughts on this. He’s an expert in creating systems that allow you to maximize your content’s value. Mickey, thank you for being here!

The Problem with Consuming Content

We all know that knowledge is power. Yet, the act of consuming information is only the first step. According to a study by Hermann Ebbinghaus, people forget approximately 50% of new information within an hour, and another 50% of what’s left within a day. So, you remember a meager 25% of what you learned.

From Consumption to Retention: A Systematic Approach

The key here is to move from passive consumption to active engagement. Pause and jot down notes when you read a book or listen to a podcast. Then, schedule a time to review these notes.

Practical Tips for You

  1. Take Notes: Keep a notebook or a digital note-taking app handy while reading or listening.
  2. Weekly Reviews: Dedicate 30 minutes weekly to review your notes.
  3. Apply What You Learn: This step is crucial. Try to implement at least one thing from your notes every week.

Tools for Retaining Knowledge

I recommend tools like Notion, Evernote, or good old-fashioned index cards. You can also use apps like Blinkist to summarize books and then add your own thoughts to those summaries.”

A Stat You’ll Want to Remember

Here’s an interesting fact: Research indicates that taking notes can improve retention by up to 34%. That’s a game-changer!

Consistency is Key

It’s all about consistency. Start small, build the habit, and then expand from there.

Wrapping Up

So, if you’re tired of forgetting most of what you read or listen to, start implementing these tips today. A little extra effort can lead to a lot more knowledge, and who doesn’t want that?

Thank you, Mickey, for sharing such valuable insights. Don’t just listen or read to everyone else—engage and remember.

Next, we’ll dive into frequently asked questions about this topic, so watch out!

Until then, happy learning!


  1. Do I need to take notes? Can’t I just listen and absorb?

Trust me, I get it—sometimes you just want to relax and listen. But if you aim for that knowledge to stick, taking notes is your best bet. Remember, we tend to forget 50% of new information within an hour!

  1. What note-taking method is the best? Should I use digital tools or stick to pen and paper?

Ah, the age-old debate! Honestly, it’s all about personal preference. Some folks swear by digital apps like Evernote or Notion, while others love the tactile feel of pen on paper. Experiment and find what works best for you.

  1. How much time should I set aside for these weekly reviews?

Starting with just 30 minutes a week can make a big difference. The key here is consistency, so find a time that works for you and stick to it. You’ll be amazed at how much you remember!

  1. How do I apply what I’ve learned? I’m so busy already!

Oh, I hear you! Life is hectic. But the trick is to start small. Choose one takeaway from your notes each week and try to implement it. Even small changes can have a significant impact over time.

  1. What if the content I consume doesn’t directly apply to my life or work?

That’s fine! Knowledge is never wasted. Sometimes, ideas from unrelated areas can spark creativity and problem-solving in your own field. So keep an open mind!

  1. Do these methods work for both podcasts and books?

Absolutely! Whether it’s the spoken word or the written word, the principles of active engagement and regular review apply. Give it a try with both and see the magic happen.

  1. What’s the best way to review my notes? Should I read them, write them again, or discuss them with someone?

Great question! Rewriting their notes helps with retention. Others like to discuss what they’ve learned with friends or colleagues. Mix and match to find your ideal method.

  1. Are there any specific apps that can help me with this?

Sure thing! Apps like Blinkist provide book summaries, and apps like can transcribe podcasts. These can serve as initial notes that you can later personalize and review.

  1. Will these methods increase my retention to 100%?

While I’d love to say yes, nothing can guarantee 100% retention. However, these methods can significantly improve your retention rates. Remember that stat? Note-taking can boost retention by up to 34%.

  1. What if I skip a week of reviewing notes? Is that bad?

Hey, we’re all human, and life happens. Missing a week isn’t the end of the world, but try to get back on track as soon as possible. Consistency is your best friend here.

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