337. Freelancing and Сreating Сourses with Nick Janetakis

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Nick Janetakis 135
337. Freelancing and Сreating Сourses with Nick Janetakis
Duration: 42:05
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
337. Freelancing and Сreating Сourses with Nick Janetakis

As a freelancer, creating courses is a way to create supplementary income and make a personal brand. It is also easier as you don’t have to invest much capital as there may not be a need for launch marketing expenditure.

Freelancing is a popular option for working professionals who want to take control of their careers. One of the challenges in freelancing is staying relevant. Online access courses and impart your expertise to the world to curb that challenge.

Course structure:

– Сreating an online course usually begins with choosing a topic or niche expertise that would be useful to others in geo-specific marketplaces like weekend courses on cooking or social media marketing.

– Setting deadlines for finishing each module of the course to create predictability and make other deadlines easier to navigate based on them.

From the growing self-employment market to the proliferation of free creative courses through platforms such as Udemy, it has become more and more accessible than ever to enter into freelance work.

Self-employed individuals no longer have to limit themselves to a particular day in the workplace. They are instead able to create their schedules that can fulfill work and personal life needs. Freelancing offers complete flexibility while being entirely on one’s own time.

Nick Janetakis shares a lot of valuable insights on our podcast.

Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more.

Let’s discuss more in our group – https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12416146/.

Learn more about Nick Janetakis on the following resources:
Website: https://nickjanetakis.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickjj/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickjanetakis