Enhance ROI Using Data-Driven Offers: Insights by MaryBeth Maskovas (#666)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, MaryBeth Maskovas 100
Enhance ROI Using Data-Driven Offers: Insights by MaryBeth Maskovas (#666)
Duration: 42:59
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
Enhance ROI Using Data-Driven Offers: Insights by MaryBeth Maskovas (#666)

Navigating the intricate world of discounts was a challenge.

I assisted an e-commerce firm that was drowning in relentless discounting.

However, they were perplexed by the lackluster results.

Together, we changed course.

We pivoted towards a data-driven discount strategy.

The focus shifted towards their most profitable consumers and high-affinity discount products.

Within several months, their ROI on offers and discounts revitalized, illustrating a vivid difference.

Data and Numbers

A McKinsey & Company study elucidates that revenue sees a 5-8% uplift when companies employ data for personalized marketing initiatives.

Conversely, Epsilon reveals that 80% of consumers use companies that leverage personal data to enhance their shopping experiences.

Moreover, Salesforce highlights that data stands pivotal for 57% of marketers, profoundly impacting their marketing efficacy.

Utilizing Data to Elevate ROI Through Offers and Discounts

  • Identify Profitable Customers:

Your most lucrative customers? Know their demographics’ purchasing behaviors and implement targeted discount strategies tailored to them.

  • Recognize Highly Purchased Discount Products:

Understand which products typically entice customers when discounted and focus your discount strategies there.

  • Monitor Offer and Discount Outcomes:

Vigorously track and analyze the outcomes of your discounts, optimizing based on performance and customer reception.


Harnessing data to deploy offers and discounts strategically isn’t just bright—it’s integral to sustaining and uplifting your ROI, consequently enhancing sales and revenue.

This methodology doesn’t just boost numbers; it enhances customer relationships by offering them what they want when they desire it, threading a narrative of a brand that understands and values them.

The payoff isn’t merely transactional; it’s relational, fostering a bond that transcends the immediacy of a single purchase.

Let’s discover more with MaryBeth Maskovas, unraveling the facets of a data-driven approach to offers and discounts in the entire episode.


  1. How do I utilize data in planning offers and discounts?

Utilizing data means digging into your customer behavior, purchasing history, and product popularity. It’s about understanding what your customers love when they love buying it and offering discounts that are super tailored to those preferences.

  1. What’s the role of data in improving ROI for e-commerce businesses?

Think of data as your roadmap to customer preferences! By analyzing customer data, you’re essentially peeking into their shopping habits, allowing you to target your offers and, thus, enhancing your ROI by ensuring that your discounts are hitting the mark.

  1. How significant is personalization in offers and discounts?

Oh, it’s enormous! Personalization is like calling your customers by name and offering exactly what they’ve been looking for. It makes your customers feel seen and appreciated, and guess what? It dramatically increases the chances of conversion.

  1. Can I see an increase in sales by simply providing discounts?

Not always. Discounts can spur sales, but it’s not just about slashing prices. It’s about offering the correct discounts to the right people, at the right time, which is where data-driven strategies come into play.

  1. Why should I focus on the most profitable customers when offering discounts?

Because they’re your brand lovers! Your most profitable customers are likely to be your repeat purchasers. By targeting them with special offers, you’re rewarding their loyalty, and guess what? Loyal customers often bring in more customers!

  1. What kind of products should I consider for discounting?

It’s wise to consider products with a high purchase likelihood during discounts. Also, think about stock levels – discounting products you have in abundance or need to move can be innovative.

  1. What’s a good ROI percentage for discount campaigns?

Aiming for a positive ROI is crucial! However, a “good” ROI can vary widely across different industries and campaigns. Generally, if you’re making a substantial profit that outweighs your discounting and operational costs, you’re on the right track.

  1. How do I avoid harming my brand while providing discounts?

A delicate balance is critical here. Ensure that your discounts are not undervaluing your products. Offer discounts strategically and occasionally during festive seasons or anniversaries, so it feels exclusive and doesn’t dilute your brand value.

  1. Is there a risk of customers getting too accustomed to discounts?

Yes, there’s a risk called “discount fatigue.” If you offer discounts too frequently, customers might postpone purchases awaiting the next sale. So, keep your discounting strategic and somewhat unpredictable.

  1. How can I track the effectiveness of my discount campaigns?

Hello, analytics! Use e-commerce tracking tools to observe how your discount campaigns are performing. To understand whether your discounted offers convert profitably, consider conversion rate, average order value, and overall revenue.

Learn more about MaryBeth Maskovas on the following resources:
Website: https://www.insightlimeanalytics.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marybethmaskovas/