Augie Johnston: Cracking the YouTube SEO Code: Insider Tips and Tricks (#474)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Augie Johnston
Augie Johnston: Cracking the YouTube SEO Code: Insider Tips and Tricks (#474)
Duration: 40:40
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
Augie Johnston: Cracking the YouTube SEO Code: Insider Tips and Tricks (#474)

YouTube is my favorite platform because it doesn’t feel overcrowded like others. It still offers plenty of opportunities for new businesses to thrive. I’ve noticed that I generate three times more sales through my YouTube channels than through my website content. And the best part? Creating content for my website is significantly more expensive than creating content for YouTube.

In this episode, we have a very special guest, Augie Johnston, an expert in YouTube SEO who has helped numerous content creators and businesses to grow their presence on the platform. Augie is here to share his insider tips and tricks for cracking the YouTube SEO code and boosting your rankings replying to the following questions:

– What are the most important factors that affect a video’s ranking on YouTube?

– How can creators use keyword research to improve their video SEO?

– How can you optimize your video’s title and description for maximum impact?

– How important is engagement on YouTube, and what are some ways to increase it?

– How can you measure the success of your YouTube SEO efforts, and what metrics should you be tracking?

Tune in to this episode of Unmiss to get expert advice from Augie Johnston on how to crack the YouTube SEO code and take your channel to the next level!

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Learn more about Augie Johnston on the following resources: