241. Communicating Tips from Data With Michele Kiss

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Michele Kiss 374
241. Communicating Tips from Data With Michele Kiss
Duration: 36:58
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
241. Communicating Tips from Data With Michele Kiss

Getting the correct data is a must-have.

Because customers are impatient to get what they want to get.

Personalization is key.

How to talk to your customers?

Michele Kiss shares her valuable insights by replying to the following data:

  1. Tell us about the kinds of data you work with.
  2. What are some key skills for communicating data effectively?
  3. What tips do you have for those looking to better present the findings of their data?
  4. What are some mistakes you’ve seen (or made!) in data communication?
  5. What are some of the biggest challenges in communicating data?
  6. How can a stakeholder more effectively work with members of the data team?
  7. What tools help you effectively communicate data?
  8. What’s the balance of tools vs. people? How do you see that shifting over time?
  9. If someone wanted to improve their data communication skills, where would you recommend they start?

Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more.

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Learn more about Michele Kiss on the following resources:
Website: http://michele.analyticsdemystified.com
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/michelejkiss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/michelejkiss