168. B2B Marketing And Product Experience With Eric Jan van Putten

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Eric Jan van Putten 138 Updated: 01.07.2022
168. B2B Marketing And Product Experience With Eric Jan van Putten
Duration: 41:35
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
168. B2B Marketing And Product Experience With Eric Jan van Putten

In many companies, B2B marketing is a complex and difficult task.

It is often challenging for the executives to make a decision regarding product features and packaging.

Sometimes they even forget to think about consumer experience as well.

Digital Marketing Agency works with medium-sized companies as well as large ones such as Microsoft, Intel etc.

They work on design and marketing strategy that can be of great help in making their products or services better known or more relevant to the consumer’s needs.

By using the right design, product packaging, interaction and content optimized for the consumer’s taste and buying preferences, those companies become more visible in the market which means that their products get less discounts by competitors.

Product Experience is a key driver for competitiveness of the B2B Marketer.

The factor that is most important for Product Experience is the knowledge and expertise of the Customer who will be able to buy from a company or product.

With AI writing tools, you can generate engaging and informative content that will help your customers learn more about your products/services, or how they can become customers themselves.

One of the best marketing tools is the web.

There are so many options: affiliate programs, e-newsletters, product reviews, e-commerce sites and so on.

But the experience provided by these platforms remains very inconsistent.

Often high quality information is delivered in a bad format that requires technical knowledge to understand accurately.

AI companies can make B2B sales experience more productive by automating repetitive or manual tasks like email follow up or sending out a weekly newsletter.

They can do it for any company but are especially good at handling large projects where human involvement is not an option.

It allows companies to focus on its core competencies instead of hiring additional software developers for each project.

Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more about:

  1. What is B2B marketing strategies?
  2. What is the difference between B2B and B2C marketing?
  3. Why content marketing is important for B2B?
  4. Why does B2B fears marketing automation?
  5. How to measure roi on B2B marketing?
  6. How digital leaders are transforming B2B marketing?
  7. How to utilize marketing automation b2b retail network?
  8. How to do B2B marketing on social media?

Learn more about Eric Jan van Putten on the following resources:
Website: https://www.dynamicweb.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericjanvanputten/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericjanvanputten/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ericjanvputten/