Michele Kiss

Michele Kiss

Michele Kiss is a recognized digital analytics leader, with experience in web, mobile, marketing and social analytics.

Her experience ranges across a variety of verticals, including ecommerce, telecommunications and technology, automotive, restaurant, travel and home building, as a client-side, consultant and agency practitioner.

She is currently Senior Partner at Web Analytics Demystified, the leading global digital analytics consulting firm, responsible for their analysis and analyst mentoring practice.

Michele is the winner of the Digital Analytics Association “Rising Star” award (2011) and “Practitioner of the Year” award (2013.)

She is a frequent speaker at conferences like eMetrics, Accelerate, Adobe Digital Marketing Summit and the Online Marketing Summit, writes for publications like Marketing Profs and Website Magazine and is a regular contributor to industry podcasts.

Learn more about Michele Kiss on the following resources:

241. Communicating Tips from Data With Michele Kiss

241. Communicating Tips from Data With Michele Kiss