Clay Smeltzer

Clay Smeltzer

Have you ever wanted to be a part of a family of like minded men who build, battle, and bond together?

I help driven men become the best version of themselves when they join the Purpose Infused Brotherhood- get initiated into a family where you belong.

The Purpose Infused Brotherhood is a community of like-minded men who….

– BUILD the foundations of strength in themselves and their relationships.

– BATTLE through life’s everyday struggles to be the best versions of themselves.


– BOND as a family to lift each other through ownership and accountability.

My mission is to build a community of 100,000 Purpose Infused Men who live each day as the best version of themselves and expand that to their families, communities, and careers.

I am a man who owns himself, loves his story, and lives with purpose! I do this as a man, husband, father, founder of the Purpose Infused Brotherhood, author, speaker, professional development facilitator, educator, and baseball coach.

Learn more about Clay Smeltzer on the following resources:


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