Chad Joseph Sanderson

Chad Joseph Sanderson

Writing on Data Management, Contracts, and Product monthly at:

Data underpins everything we do: Running experiments, deploying machine learning models, or deciding the next step of nearly every major business decision. Data is the engine that drives companies forward…so why do most ‘data-driven organizations’ still struggle with harnessing data to their fullest potential?

I believe that applying product thinking to holistic data challenges is the only way to make trustworthy decisions at scale. My extensive experience from hyper-growth startups, to established tech super giants, to small businesses just dipping their toes into e-commerce has taught me the following about myself:

– I can have a conversation with the most technical internal customers in the world (Research science, data science, engineering) and get to the heart of their problems, even if they don’t see the answers themselves

– I start with the optimal problem and work backward towards an MVP. Cultural changes to a data organization are an extended play, not a short one. Optimizing for the immediate will never get you closer to solving the underlying problem.

– I focus on the end-to-end. Data pipelines and workflows are multi-faceted, incredibly complex, and filled with dependencies. You cannot solve these issues in a vacuum, or your organization will splinter into pieces – hyper-optimizing for the wrong solution.

– I believe great design should be the core of every product decision. Good UX is just as critical for our internal and data consumers as our partners in B2C. With years of experience as a designer, I can step up to fill this role if I need to!

I have built everything from feature stores, experimentation platforms, metrics layers, streaming platforms, analytics tools, data discovery systems, and workflow development platforms. I’ve implemented open-source SaaS products (early and late stage) and have built cutting-edge technology from the ground up. I love the data space, and if you’re interested in chatting about it with me, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Learn more about Chad Joseph Sanderson on the following resources:


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