Andrew Schulkind

Andrew Schulkind

Andrew Schulkind is a seasoned Digital Strategist and Web Developer at Andigo New Media. With his deep-rooted experience, he’s become a go-to source for B2B marketers in the $2m to $25m range, helping them find the optimal blend of digital tools to support their brand and sales objectives.

Known for his collaboration and consensus-building approach, Andrew’s primary aim is to stimulate audience engagement. His services span across a variety of digital marketing aspects, including website development, content creation, and SEO. He strongly believes in a balanced mix of solid information architecture, impressive user experience, compelling content, and practical common sense to keep audiences emotionally invested.

Working in harmony with an array of strategic partners, Andrew’s company, Andigo, offers comprehensive solutions to its clients. His inclination towards mission-driven businesses is remarkable, particularly those involved in B Corps and conscious capitalism.

Andrew has made his mark in the industry as an expert speaker at events like Social Media Week NY and WordCampNYC, and his writing on marketing technology regularly appears in numerous online and print platforms.

Away from his professional life, Andrew engages in various community volunteer work. An ardent fly fisherman and cyclist, he also harbors a unique love for trivia. For instance, did you know the Lone Ranger made his mask from the vest of his slain brother? With Andrew, there’s always something new to learn!

Learn more about Andrew Schulkind on the following resources: