Yogev Almog

Yogev Almog

I specialize in creating marketing copy that actually generates sales. Unlike most copywriters, I have a deep understanding of how to use language to sell effectively, especially in the context of online marketing. My partner and I have generated over $3 million in sales in just 3 years through written copy and phone sales. We are now committed to helping life coaches, business coaches, and consultants by partnering with New York Times Best Seller John Romaniello to create our flagship course: Captivating Copywriting.

Our course is designed to help coaches, consultants, and business owners improve their copywriting skills for email, sales funnels, social media posts, and Instagram DMs, either by doing the work themselves, training someone on their team, or outsourcing it. We have a proven track record of success, having helped several notable clients create significant cash infusions into their businesses, such as Peter Sage, Estie Rand, RSLTS Club, Matt Shakir, and John Romaniello.

If you’re interested in taking your copywriting to the next level, let’s chat.

Learn more about Yogev Almog on the following resources:


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