Gabrielle Dolan

Gabrielle Dolan

Gabrielle Dolan has been told she can tell a story or two. Most likely, she developed this skill as one of eight children and looked for ways to get attention. Then honed during her 20s at the pub every Friday and Saturday night.

While working in a senior leadership role at National Australia Bank, she realized the power of storytelling in effective business communication. Since that epiphany in 2004, she had taught people the power of sharing personal stories in business before it became trendy.

She has worked with pretty amazing organizations such as The Obama Foundation (mic drop), EY, Visa, Accenture, Amazon, National Australia Bank, Australia Post, Uber, and International Committee Red Cross, to name a few.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Management and Leadership from Swinburne University, an Associate Diploma in Education and Training from the University of Melbourne, and she is a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education and have a cap and the T-shirt from the gift shop to prove it.

She’s the author of 7 books, and her latest, Magnetic Stories: Connect with customers and engage employees with brand storytelling (2021), debuted at number two on Australia’s business books list.

Others include:

  • Real Communication: How to be you and lead true, a finalist in the Australian Business Leadership Book Awards for 2019.
  • Bullet Points Kill and other deadly presentation traps. (eBook only)
  • Stories for Work: The Essential Guide to Business Storytelling (2017),
  • Storytelling for Job Interviews (2016)
  • Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results (2015) and
  • Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling (2013). Not bad for someone who failed English in her final year of high school.

Her work has seen me run training all over Asia Pacific, Europe, and America and some pretty unique settings, including the middle of a rice paddy field in Indonesia, in the room the White House Correspondents dinner is held in Washington DC, in a castle that Henry VIII used to live in just outside London and even on Wall Street in New York. Plus, a corner from her home office during the global pandemic.

Learn more about Gabrielle Dolan on the following resources:


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