Chris Moody

Chris Moody

Chris Moody, currently leading GTM Thought Leadership at Demandbase, is deeply immersed in the intricacies of go-to-market strategies. He is a dedicated team builder with a rich professional background and boasts associations with industry giants like Gartner, TOPO, GE, Oracle, Red Hat, and Bandwidth. Always eager to exchange insights, Chris is an enthusiast for collaboration, whether it’s through content creation, webinars, podcasts, or just an old-fashioned chat about sales and marketing. So, if you’ve got an idea, don’t hesitate to reach out!

But it’s not all business. Chris has graced many a stage at premier marketing events and shared his wisdom with university students about leveraging marketing to drive revenue. He has a solid academic foundation with an MBA and a BS in Business Management from North Carolina State University. And while he may humorously admit to having neglected his blog at and his weekly email newsletter for a substantial time, one thing is clear: Chris Moody is a seasoned professional with the knowledge and passion to shape the future of GTM strategy.

Learn more about Chris Moody on the following resources: