Dennis Yu: How to master short-form videos to build influence and sales (#456)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu: How to master short-form videos to build influence and sales (#456)
Duration: 32:05
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
Dennis Yu: How to master short-form videos to build influence and sales (#456)

I have tried various marketing channels to find the ones that bring in more sales while minimizing expenses. After experimenting with different methods, I have found that video marketing is the most effective. By spending less on video content, I have earned a lot more.

Typically, I invest $10,000 in website content to achieve similar results by investing only $2,000 in video content. The difference is five times, but short video formats can cost almost nothing.

A 40-year-old woman helped her a father’s dream come true with a short video on TikTok that went viral and received over 50 million views. Lloyd Devereux Richards published a book in 2012, which didn’t get many sales for over ten years. However, this short video changed the sales trajectory, becoming a bestseller on Amazon.

His daughter spent nothing on marketing, and the video design was basic. Yet, it was creative, simple, and sparked curiosity among viewers.

Let’s compare why video content is better than other types of web content. Google only ranks high-quality content, which is challenging to create today. Ten years ago, copywriters wrote for search engines, added stock pictures, and submitted them on WordPress. One specialist did the entire process because the competition was low. Nowadays, seven people are required to do the same job: strategist, manager, copywriter, editor, content manager, designer, and web developer.

Compared to website content, video content production is not expensive, and a large team is not required to achieve millions of views on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram, and Facebook Reels. Modern smartphones have better quality and resolution than expensive camcorders from five years ago. TikTok and Snapchat have unique features to edit videos for most viral videos. If the professional design is needed, video designers can be hired to create something unique to keep the audience engaged for longer.

When it comes to promotion, short videos are even better. Only 7% of new pages rank in the top 10 Google in the first year after hard promotion through sending many emails, social media sharing, link building, and PR, which can be expensive if we are talking about quality.

Short videos often have high engagement rates, even for accounts with zero followers, because there are not enough short videos on social media to satisfy users’ intent. Google has to choose from over 2 billion online websites with trillions of pages for 5.16 billion users. There is a website for only 2-3 people, and YouTube only has 51 million channels for 2 billion users or 40 users per channel.

Short videos also have a long-term strategy for winning over a young audience that prefers video content. For example, my 12-year-old son uses TikTok for searches. You cannot ignore this format if you want to grow your business for 5-10 years.

Today, I am lucky to have a special guest, Dennis Yu, on our podcast. He will be discussing the following questions:

– What are the best platforms for creating and sharing short-form videos to build influence and drive sales?

– How can I create engaging short-form videos to capture my audience’s attention and keep them interested?

– What strategies can I use to grow my following and increase my reach with short-form videos?

– How can I measure the effectiveness of my short-form video content and optimize it for better results?

– What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating and sharing short-form videos for business purposes?

Short videos continue to grow, and there is still no high competition. Now is the best time to use this format before your competitors do.

If you want to learn more, listen to our previous podcast episodes that will guide you in the right direction –

Learn more about Dennis Yu on the following resources: