380. USP in Marketing with Ryland Goldstein

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Ryland Goldstein
380. USP in Marketing with Ryland Goldstein
Duration: 43:02
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
380. USP in Marketing with Ryland Goldstein

The concept of creating products that customers don’t need is one that has been deeply ingrained in our society. It’s an idea that’s often discussed but rarely followed.

Companies are constantly creating products that customers don’t need, hoping to capitalize on the latest trends to make a profit.

But this strategy can be highly detrimental to both the customer and the company.

  • Companies should focus on creating products that add value to customers’ lives instead of products that are unneeded. Product development should be based on customer needs, not on creating products randomly in hopes of becoming popular.
  • Companies should ensure that their products are of high quality. Customers should be able to trust that the products they purchase will meet their expectations. If the quality isn’t up to par, customers will be less likely to purchase the product again.
  • Companies should be aware of the customer’s budget. Products should be priced competitively so that customers can afford them. If products are priced too high, customers may be discouraged from purchasing them.

“Companies should strive to create products that customers need, not products that they don’t. This is the only way to ensure that customers are getting a product that is beneficial to them,” says Mark Smith, CEO of ABC Company.

Creating products that customers don’t need can be detrimental to both the customer and the company. Companies should focus on creating products that add value to customers’ lives, ensuring that their products are of high quality, and pricing their products competitively. Only then can companies ensure that their products are meeting the needs of their customers.

Ryland Goldstein shares a lot of valuable insights on our podcast.

Watch or listen to the entire episode to know a lot more.

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Learn more about Ryland Goldstein on the following resources:
Website: https://temporal.io/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryland-goldstein-3467b710a/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taillogs