Harmony in the Workplace: Blueprint for Success (#760)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Erika Putinsky
Harmony in the Workplace: Blueprint for Success (#760)
Duration: 40:21
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
Harmony in the Workplace: Blueprint for Success (#760)

Every team has its rhythm.

Google’s Project Aristotle revealed the secret sauce to team effectiveness isn’t just about who is on the team but how they work together.

This insight opens our discussion today on the UNmiss podcast.

We’re exploring the art of balancing business outcomes with an inclusive working environment with our guest, Erika Putinsky.

Building Bridges

Erika believes in the power of cross-functional collaborations.

A study by Deloitte highlights that companies promoting collaborative working are 5 times more likely to be high-performing.

She shares how fostering teamwork across different departments leads to innovative solutions.

Crafting Inclusive Spaces

Inclusion isn’t just good ethics; it’s good business.

According to McKinsey, companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity outperform their peers by 36% in profitability.

Erika discusses strategies for creating a work environment that welcomes diverse perspectives and ideas.

Identifying and Overcoming Challenges

Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Erika shares her approach to identifying and transforming roadblocks into stepping stones for success.

Driving Positive Change

Positive outcomes require positive actions.

Erika’s knack for producing exceptional results has consistently driven positive organizational change.

She elaborates on her methodology for aligning business objectives with employee well-being for optimal performance.


Join us for an insightful conversation with Erika Putinsky on the UNmiss podcast.

Discover the balance between achieving business goals and nurturing a supportive, inclusive workplace.

Learn from Erika’s experience streamlining collaborations and partnerships to benefit customers and employees.


  1. What does balancing business outcomes with an inclusive working environment mean?

It’s about achieving your business goals while ensuring every team member feels valued and included. This balance fosters a positive culture that drives employee satisfaction and business success.

  1. How can cross-functional collaborations benefit a company?

Cross-functional collaborations break down silos, encourage diverse perspectives, and lead to innovative solutions. When different departments work together, it enhances problem-solving and creates a more cohesive business strategy.

  1. Why is inclusivity important in the workplace?

Inclusivity ensures that all employees feel respected and valued regardless of background. This improves team morale and attracts a diverse talent pool, which is essential for creativity and innovation.

  1. Can inclusivity impact a company’s bottom line?

Absolutely. Studies have shown that companies with diverse and inclusive cultures are more likely to outperform their competitors in profitability. Diversity brings varied perspectives, leading to better decision-making and innovative products or services.

  1. What are some strategies for creating an inclusive work environment?

Strategies include promoting diversity in hiring, offering bias training, establishing inclusive policies, and creating forums for open dialogue. It’s also important to recognize and celebrate the diverse cultures within your company.

  1. How does one identify challenges in workplace harmony?

Challenges often surface as communication breakdowns, decreased productivity, or increased employee turnover. Regular feedback sessions and surveys can help identify issues early on.

  1. What role does leadership play in fostering workplace harmony?

Leadership sets the tone. Leaders must actively promote and participate in inclusive practices, encourage collaboration, and address issues that disrupt harmony. Leading by example is key.

  1. How can a company measure the success of its inclusivity and collaboration efforts?

Success can be measured through employee engagement surveys, turnover rates, productivity metrics, and by tracking the diversity of teams. Another indicator is how well the company attracts and retains talent from diverse backgrounds.

  1. What is the biggest challenge in creating a balanced and inclusive work environment?

The biggest challenge is often changing the existing company culture, especially in established companies. It requires a sustained effort from all levels of the organization to embrace inclusivity and collaboration.

  1. Can small companies or startups also implement these strategies effectively?

Small companies and startups have the advantage of shaping their culture from the ground up. Implementing these early on can help set a strong foundation for growth and success.

Learn more about Erika Putinsky on the following resources:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikaputinsky/